Here is the listing we told you about , feel free to choose an organization and embrace it with love and respect. Be advised there are some minor misspellings and poorly constructed sentences that might mislead you but their heart is in the right place and we have to respect that.
The Bible Belt Morbid Obese Pole Dancers Gild Foundation Against Metal Fatigue.
The Wild Life Society For The Reintroduction of The Natural Blonde Into The Urban Eco-System.
The Steady Handed Groin Healers Humanitarian Relief Brigade For The Victims of Dull Intercourse.
The Slow And Remiss Chapter of The Coalition Against The Abuse of The Bimbo Biosphere.
The Chinese Orserver For Right of Conscientious Orjector To Defecate To Other Countries.
The U.S. Foreign Service’s Center For The Rehabilitation of The Diplomatic Drinking Attaché.
The World Bank Development Council For The Economies of The Turd World Countries.
The “Where’s My Bitchez” Retirement Home For The Senile Pimp.
The U.N.’s Science Endowment For The Study of The “Big Bong Theory”.
The Jaded Wive’s Chapter of The League For The Preservation of Erectile Dysfunction.
These organizations rely on you for inspiration and most importantly for funds to keep their charity works on the move . . . Yes! on the move to the Cayman Islands!!! And other undisclosed tax havens so their monies can be invested at a maximum yield rate and therefore be able to continue bankrolling such noble activities for the needy like:
The Cuckold Fidelity Extravaganza’s “Seminar For Emotionally Scarred Victims of Silly Boinking”
The 10k Walk-A-Thon of The Mannish Ladies of Cell Block 69 For Their Bitches’ Right To Conceive By Artificial Intimidation
The Construction of “The Beverly Hills Half-Way Penthouse” For Ponzi Scheme Artists on The Lam, sorry, on The Go
The Red Light District Rehab Center’s “Monthly Quinceañera Bash For Hardened High-School Sluts”
The Family Planning Crisis Center For Unexplained Pregnancies’ “Annual Babyish Shower For Destitute Cougar Mommies”
Gay Doctors Without Closets’ Fall Leather Wear Catalog Publication For “The Trendy Orderlies Makeover Fund”
The Fashion Designer’s “Nightgowns For Lockdown Foundation” Present:
“Say Yes To Man Love! Relationship Workshop For Coy Inmates Without a Bitch.”
“The Frigid Nymphos Society of Siberia” For A Speedy Global Warming
And Last But Not Least “La Bohème” Opera Fund Raiser For The Refurbishment of “The Reborn Horny Cad on a Binge” Theme Park
And other feign I mean fun projects in the agenda of these merciful foundations and endowments. Yes it is a long wish list but the end results justify every penny of your donation, and as a part of our efforts to make this a rewarding experience we will send you a poster size centerfold from the magazine “Godless Fornicator Babes Monitor” so you can get personal with some of the recipients of the efforts of these foundations as they spread their legs I mean their wings in an open bar establishment, excuse me I mean in an open minded environment whilst their clients, sorry, their sponsors help them overcome the daily toils of self improvement and grapple with such abstract concepts like celibacy, sobriety, work, hygiene and basic religious philosophies like hedonism, nihilism and capitalism before taking their new vows. Witness their rebirth live in Las Vegas!!!. Bring your friends and grope them together, sorry, I mean bring your friends and group them together with your sponsored babes I mean persons as you usher these fine young ladies into a new chapter of decadency, sorry, decency in their lives.
(tickets available at the Will Call Window).